2024/9/16【名古屋】TAPI presents "By the time I realized, I already was this age."TAPI presents "By the time I realized, I already was this age."2024.9.16 monat stiffslack VENUEopen/start 18:00/18:30Ticket ¥3000U-22 or Student ¥2400 (+1drink order)Nikoん / Etranger / ワタクシ / Trooper Saluteご予約 https://www.stiffslack.com/venue/202409.html?date=20240916
TAPI presents "By the time I realized, I already was this age."2024.9.16 monat stiffslack VENUEopen/start 18:00/18:30Ticket ¥3000U-22 or Student ¥2400 (+1drink order)Nikoん / Etranger / ワタクシ / Trooper Saluteご予約 https://www.stiffslack.com/venue/202409.html?date=20240916
2024/9/25-9/28【京都、名古屋、静岡】片平里菜 風の吹くままツアーゲスト出演決定9/25(水) 京都MUSE OPEN 18:30 START 19:00 出演、片平里菜、片桐(Hakubi)、Etranger 前売チケット代 3,000円(ドリンク代別) e+ https://eplus.jp/sf/detail/4118070001-P0030...